Through digital transformation, you’re actively investing in streamlining as many aspects of your business, freeing your workforce up to do more demanding tasks. It’s critical for the finance world to shift toward digital practices, to keep up with emerging technology, and address the needs of consumers. The industry has already witnessed the benefits of client-facing digital transformation initiatives, though it is lacking when it comes to back-office digitization efforts. Within the finance function, digital transformation has prevailed through customer-facing technologies. Customers could download a plethora of useful apps on their smartphones such as banking apps that let you transfer money instantly, to investment apps that let even complete novices try their hand at investing in stocks.

For example, it may turn out that the digitalization strategy requires some tuning at the implementation stage due to the altering business situation. When this happens, we help our clients promptly tune the strategy and the implementation plan without causing any negative impact on the project flow and the outcomes. In our projects, we employ proven frameworks, ready-to-use app components (e.g., authentication services, messaging services) and integration components where possible. This helps us streamline financial software development, ensure high quality of the solution, and optimize the project budget.

Advantages of Digital Transformation in Financial Services

Using multiple desktop solutions in your business will slow any progress you may make on the digital transformation front, so before you begin the process, be sure to move your platforms to the cloud. For business owners just beginning the digital transformation journey, the process can feel overwhelming. Speaking of customers, using digital transformation not only streamlines the entire customer interaction process but also provides your customers with a more intuitive experience. To completely embrace digital transformation, it’s important that businesses address all four of these types rather than focusing on one or two areas. True digital transformation will look different for each company, with smaller business needs much different from those of a global enterprise organization. But in all cases, digital transformation simply means the introduction and integration of digital technology into a business.

Money-holders are allowed secure and transparent transactions, with peace of mind from bypassing opaque financial institutions. The DeFi movement is revolutionizing financial services and introducing new opportunities for digital transformation. DeFi combines decentralized technologies such as blockchain, smart contracts, and digital assets to create a truly open financial system. While each focus area was important for a successful finance transformation, a real strategic trigger for the client was establishing a standard chart of accounts.

Greater access to financial information

The change does not occur overnight, and C-level leaders must continually foster an environment where it is easy to embrace these initiatives. They can adopt emerging technologies and other ground-breaking tools or models and watch their businesses thrive. Yes—there are myriad benefits; however, the standout is that it streamlines processes. One can experience faster movement with workflows due to automation, improving the way business is conducted. According to another study, around 92 percent of finance leaders had started their journey to introduce digital interventions in the finance function. So, the choice is really easy; even the smaller financial service companies need to update, shed old patterns of work methods, upskill, and start reimagining digital business.

finance digital transformation

What are the digital transformation trends to look out for in the financial services industry? Data collation is an essential step toward data analytics and can help to go a long way in decision-making. According to a study, around 47 percent of financial services providers expect to see a radical digital transformation in the coming three years. Plus, about 53 percent expect more than 10 percent of their workforce to be automated and replaced by superior technology in the coming five years. Regardless of whether your organization is just beginning to experiment with AI and analytics, or you were an early adopter and are now looking to expand into new areas, a digital transformation strategy is absolutely essential.

BTM2 – Business Transformation Management Methodology

Innovation within the finance industry can increase customer loyalty, enhance brand stature, and drive new customer acquisition. Companies across all industries, especially the finance industry, can leverage innovative technology solutions to improve their business aspects. By investing in a digital transformation, you’re actively laying the foundation needed for leveraging innovation later down the line. What you do with the data once you have it is just as important as collecting the data itself. Data analytics have been the go-to decision-making tool for a while now, and they’ve become simpler to operate and more powerful than ever.

finance digital transformation

In the context of other business processes (e.g., HR management, operations management, supply chain management). Such an evolution can only take place if the right digital foundations are in place. In a study of senior finance professionals by Accenture, 43% of respondents said technology was the biggest barrier to achieving the kind of real-time insights they needed to improve strategic decision-making. With an acceleration towards digital transformation, several trends are happening across businesses globally. The best way to address these trends is to determine the areas that your organization needs right now and focus on those.

The Definition of Digital Finance Transformation

The number of user roles for the digital finance system and the role-specific requirements for UX/UI design. The number and complexity of integrations between the financial software and the required systems. The possibility to reuse the existing financial software and infrastructure components.

finance digital transformation

We recently migrated 15 years of data to a cloud-based platform, reducing run time from days to hours. This talent and technology approach has enabled us to better understand business risks, build stronger, more effective processes and reallocate time from manual efforts to higher-value, more real time insight. The industry also leverages blockchain technology for secure payments, identity management, and smart contracts.

Modernizing Legacy Systems in Finance: How to Take Your Software from Old to Gold

This technology enables real-time transaction processing, faster settlement times, improved customer experience, and increased data accuracy. These technologies will help banks better understand their customers’ needs and deliver tailored products and services that meet those needs. Additionally, banks are using data analysis to reduce costs and increase operational efficiencies.

  • To transition to a more digital-driven strategy, one top technology-services provider invested heavily in a new cloud and experience technology platform for internet of things business-to-business-to-consumer services.
  • According to Insider Intelligence banks and other financial institutions are pouring funding into digital transformation technologies and initiatives.
  • This comprehensive view not only helps you to better understand who each customer is, what they want, and what matters to them — it also enables you to figure out where they like to spend their time and how they prefer to engage with your organization.
  • Client expectations for seamless digital experiences and the determination of fintechs to carve out a piece of the financial services revenue pie are likely to accelerate adoption of technology and cloud-based tools and services.